Let's Start with Introductions!

Hi! My name is Toni Dolinka. As of writing this blog post, I’m 41 years old, a mother of two, and a small business owner. I’m a hot mess, like all the time, but I’m attempting to feel a little less messy and find peace and balance amidst the chaos of life.


My journey has been a windy one, with the only true constant in my life being family. Growing up, I was surrounded by strong working women. I never knew what I ‘wanted to be when I grew up.’ All I knew was that I wanted to be a mother. I graduated from the University of Maryland with double degrees in Mathematics and Education and taught high school math for three years before transitioning to a more lucrative career in project management. After nearly a decade with Hewlett Packard, and two maternity leaves, I realized that corporate America is not designed for women who want to embrace their roles as mothers alongside their careers. Then, like magic, I stumbled upon Color Street, which completely changed the game. It has allowed me to work and be present for my kids. Seriously, that story deserves its own blog post!


And that brings me to today…continuing to learn how to balance motherhood and work, prioritize mental and physical health amidst life’s demands, and manage it all with the grace my grandmother always taught me.


Some days I fail. HARD. Some days I see the small wins that make it all worth it. Some days I cry. Some days I look around and ask God how I could be SO blessed. I’m not an expert at anything, but the one thing I have learned is that life is always easier when you’re not alone. With that in mind, I hope that this blog will not just be about my journey, but about connecting with other women who may be feeling lost in the chaos of life. Together, we’ll navigate the ups and downs, share tips and advice, and cheer each other on as we strive to find balance amidst life’s messiness. So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, or wine, if that’s more your style), and let’s embark on this journey together.